Friday, June 15, 2012

Duct Tape Purse/Makeup Bags

Craft It Up: Duct Tape Purse/Makeup Bags
“Now it’s your turn to sit on my face!” These words will strike fear into the heart of any parent, especially when you hear one of your children shriek them, and they are followed by the howling cry of her 6 year old sister.

Nothing good comes from face-sitting. So what’s a parent -- in the middle of the undisciplined orgy that is summer vacation-- to do?  The answer, ladies, is duct tape. No, not to wrap up your warring offspring. Duct tape art projects! Duct tape is not just for your favorite fella to use when he’s putting together bookshelves and can’t figure out where the screws go.

You know the cute clutches sold at those retro, hip stores where the salesclerks sport more art on their body than you have on your living room walls? That cute, little clutch that retails for big bucks? That’s what you’re gonna make.

You’re actually going to oversee your people making it. So you get the added bonus of being able to brag that your 6 year old made your fabulous clutch for you. Additionally, it’s an art project your kiddo will make for you that you’ll actually want to be seen with (as opposed to other craft projects, see Exhibit A: Pioneer Candle).

You only need 2 things for this project: a little patience and a Duct Tape Kit. Only $17.99 at Target, this kit comes with 3 different duct tapes. Drum roll, please – the tapes are not boring grey but striped with fabulous, pop-arty designs.  The kit also comes with 2 tote-style, paper bags.

Bust out the tape & let your little handbag designer go crazy wrapping the tape around the bag. All you have to do is snip off the tape strips when your kiddo tells you the desired length. Once the bag is wrapped with the many different designs of tape, it’s a pop-art creation worthy of Andy Warhol himself. And you’ll walk around, sporting your new bag, with a little Warhol swagger yourself. Sure, it’s just the grocery store you’re visiting, but your swagger says Studio 54’s the next stop on your list.

Bonus: you can use the leftover tape to fashion cute makeup bags from the Ziplocs in your kitchen drawer, as shown in the picture below.


  1. Cool idea. These look like they would make great socks. Change them once a week and throw them away.

    1. This would solve the "missing sock in the dryer" problem too!
