Sunday, December 28, 2014

2 Shoes You'll Wear Forever Under $25

January magazine season is almost upon us. It is the worst magazine season if you are a “Self” or “In Shape” reader. Because January is when they feature their most infuriating articles, the ones designed to get you excited about the gym.

It’s almost as bad as this new trainer I foolishly hired recently: Peppy Trainer Guy. Peppy Trainer Guy led me through a whole series of very painful exercises. When I finally voiced my concern – and pain level – he grinned zealously and said,”I know. Ah-may-zing, right?”

No, Peppy Trainer Guy. Not Ah-may-zing. Just Pah-ain-ful.
This pain is what led to my latest shoe purchase: the animal print slip on. I like it because it’s cheetah print, which reads like a neutral yet jazzes up any outfit.

I like it even more because it’s a slip on, which means you don’t have to bend over to pull it on. This is a major plus if Peppy Trainer Guy has made you do so many planks and lunges that your abs and glutes sear with pain any time you even think of moving, much less bending over to put on your shoes.

Next week Peppy Trainer Guy thinks he’s showing me a “15 Minute Speed Shred” routine. But the only thing I’m going to be shredding is his business card. Because life’s too short to be in this much pain.

May January bring you a better attitude about fitness goals than guru girl (and lots of new shoes!)(Click this link to go to where you can get these shoes for around $25.) They also have them in a quilted, black leather (so sporty!)

And Steve Madden is making a really cute pair in plaid. Love! (Click this link to see the plaid shoes, available for around $23.)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Good Read: The Objects Of Her Affection by Cobb

So the Beta fish has died. So have the Aqua dragons.

The dragons are tiny, sea horse-like creatures that come in a toy box, with instructions that remind you the aqua’s are living creatures. So feed them, take care of them and don’t kill them, certainly not in the first week.

The 9 year old is bummed. She’s declared herself a bad pet parent. I know what it’s like to feel you’re a bad parent, just because you got excited and fed your wards, um, 9 times the recommended amount.

Actually that one particular parenting mishap has never happened to me. But it’s about the only one. I can check the box on all the others. I’m a perfectionist that way.

Here’s who else is a perfectionist: Sophie, the heroine of the book I’m currently reading The Objects Of Her Affection: A Novel.

30something Sophie is married to a guy who works in an art museum. They have two, little kids and a too-expensive starter home they just bought.
Sophie struggles to revive not only this historic Victorian but also her career, her marriage and her parenting style. It’s a lot of balls to have in the air, and Sophie’s perfectionist streak won’t let her drop even one.

The story’s set up is chic-lit typical: ambitious mom struggling with responsibilities. We know Sophie. Heck, we may have even been Sophie. But Sophie’s problems mount, and she starts to make choices that are – for lack of a better word – hellawack. (How great is that word? I try to use it as often as humanly possible. Just because.)

Then the intrigue escalates, and the story spins into something far different than a typical, domestic drama.

The book’s been compared to Gone Girl so I’m thinking something really sick &/or titillating happens in it soon. (Possibly in a shower? Possibly to Ben Affleck cast in the husband role when it’s made into a movie?) I joke. I joke.

But am thinking there’s going to be some twisted stuff happening in this seemingly benign, family drama. Twisty, turny stuff that makes you question the meaning of identity, family, loyalty and love. All good themes to explore this holiday season when cooped up in a house with your own dysfunctional family!

Hope the holiday season is treating you well and brings you much joy and peace and no beta fish, aqua dragons and/or their accompanying drama ;) 
If you're really on the "nice" list and get time to read, give The Objects Of Her Affection a try! (Click this link to go to where you can get this title for around $11.)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Holiday Party Style In A Snap (& A Skirt)

I not only survived Operation Gumball at the school crafting day, I enjoyed it. 

Kid crafters making stuff for their families? I tell you, it warms the heart.
Here’s what else warms the heart: Anthropologie’s Fallen Star Skirt.

A maxi skirt with cascading golden waves? What’s not to like?

Perfect for the holidays and the whole winter season. Easy to dress up or down. The skirt is adorable on – I saw a gal pair it with a close fitting, nautical striped shirt. Casual elegance with just the right amount of sparkle for a holiday party.

 At the store, Anthropologie is showing it with a worn jean jacket. The perfect mix of high and low fashion! Good for concerts, bistros and anywhere else you want to look funky but not like you’re trying too hard. (Click this link to go to where you can get this skirt for $168.)

Love, love, love it. The skirt’s a total two-fer: will warm your heart and make your fella’s sizzle with lust for the bod wearing it. That’s how hot you’re gonna look.

Steps for a mui caliente Merry Christmas:
1.      Buy this skirt.
2.    Wear this skirt.

Happy holidays, guru girls & guys!

Friday, December 5, 2014

How It's Going

There is a reason you won’t be hearing Guru Girl tips for the good life this week. And that reason is small, round, packed with sugar & has taken up every spare minute this week. (No, it’s not the 9 year old;)

It’s a gumball. Specifically 6,160 of them.

Why did I think this was a good idea again?!

Elementary school crafting day is going to be epic. Either epically great or an 
epic disaster. Not quite sure which…