Monday, September 14, 2015

My New Favorite Show: "Playing House"

Last weekend the 12 year old was hired for her first dogsitting gig. When I say 12 year old I mean it was me and Guru Guy who were hired. Because although the 12 year old accepted the job, the 7 a.m. “wake up and let the dog out” duty fell to us.

Luckily, we both fell in love with the frisky pup in our care.

Which is exactly the way I feel about Emma and Maggie, the frisky heroines of my new favorite t.v. series, “Playing House”.

Emma and Maggie are best friends from childhood. They’re now in their 30s and recent roomies, shacking up in order to raise Maggie’s new baby together in their hometown.

Emma and Maggie are quirky, irreverent and into everything I am: HGTV, romantic comedies and Kenny Loggins hits from the 80s! And they also use inventive lingo that will make you cry in a good way, like referring to those tasteful nursing cover ups as hooter hiders.

I don’t invent lingo like this, but I do abuse the heck out of cool phrases the dogsitter brings home from middle school. After cooking a particularly good dinner, I sometimes shout in victory,”Like a boss!” I am also working on my nae, nae and stanky leg.

But back to the t.v. review -- “Playing House’ is really, really funny. And heartwarming too. Like a really good meeting of your book club. And you don’t even have to squeeze into stylish clothes or fight traffic for the laughs.

Tune into USA network on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. or watch on demand to see for yourself. Any show that has a fantasy sequence of the Property Brothers is worth a 30 minute try! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

3 Life Lessons & Not 1 Celeb Mention

The universe has been talking to me lately.

Last weekend my fella and I scored the last patio table at a fancy French restaurant. I walked over to it with more than a little “yeah, I’m hot stuff” swagger.

Until I sat down and realized this was the view.

This is the Universe telling me to remember what counts. It’s the inside that’s important, not the outside. Especially if the outside features an unobstructed view of an angel’s a$$.

Universe Lesson #1: Remember what’s important: the people you’re with, not the where.  

Last week the internet went down for 2 days here at Chez Guru. It was so frustrating I finally tried meditation, a practice I’ve been advocating a full year now. But hadn’t found time to do yet myself. 

As I’ve said, this blog is aspirational, even for me. No one can possibly do all the healthy, wholesome, stylish, organized things I recommend!

So there I was meditating. For 4 whole minutes before the dog found me.

Universe Lesson #2: Be still. To listen to your breath or -- if you’re a bad meditator like me -- to receive kisses from your dog.

Both bring much needed perspective. You are the not the center of the universe. Except to your dog.

So make time for the love. Anytime someone who actually thinks you’re the center of the universe – whether it’s your pet, your kiddo, your partner -- is trying to connect with you, make the time. Don’t put them off because you’re too busy trying to fix the damn internet.

My last “a ha” moment happened today when I drove by a sign advertising an upcoming Firearm Festival. It specified all the great stuff that was going to happen there. Fun! Children’s Activities!

At the Firearm Festival. Naturally.

Universe Lesson #3:
Lighten up. Remember to laugh. Some things are absolutely absurd.

Don’t get so caught up in the drama and the to-do list that you forget to appreciate the funny side of life.

Maybe I’m looking too hard for signs from the universe. But I think, if we slow down and try to tune in, it’s waiting for us to hear and see the signs it’s throwing down. 

You don’t have to be an excellent meditator to get there. Sometimes it smacks you right in the face. With a pair of wings;)

Happy Wednesday, guru girls & guys! This week may you be connected, to friends, family and the internet!