Thursday, April 30, 2015

4 Remedies For Pain & Sleepless Nights

This is me, after eating something mentioned in that article. 
This is the reason suggestible-me is banned from "web-md" surfing.  

I just read the article “14 Seemingly Harmless Things You Eat All The Time That Can Kill You”.

It took a full 3 minutes. To read no-brainers like “don’t take 75 Tylenol capsules” and “don’t eat 16 chocolate bars” in a day or the chemicals will add up and probably kill you.

In my daily life, I do all kinds of no-brainer stuff but not once have I come close to either of these options.

My no-brainer activities are far more esoteric. Like last month at the gas station when I thought my tank was filled up. So I pulled the gas pump hose out of my tank while the gas was still flowing.

That stupid gas erupted like Old Faithful, all over my car, my shoes and the ground as I jumped around, shrieking and stabbing at the “off” button.

It was the worst! But you’ll notice I’m not going to ruin anyone else’s day by including it in a “what not to do” list that lures people in with a catchy title.

Here is my list of the day. I’m calling it “Very Useful Items You Will Be Glad You Spent 3 Minutes Of Your Day Reading About”.

4 Remedies for Sleeplessness & Pain

1.      Buy sunglasses with amber-colored lenses. Wear them when you’re viewing electronics at night within two hours of bedtime. The amber lens color counteracts the blue light from electronics, which disrupts your sleep pattern.

2.   Buy Gaia “Sleep Thru” herbs. Pop two of these all natural babies before bed time, and they’ll help you sleep through the whole night. No more waking up at 3 a.m. and staying awake for an entire hour, possibly the most frustrating thing ever (aside from malfunctioning gas pumps.) I’ve tried these herbs, and they really do help. (Available at Whole Foods and other retailers.)

3.   Buy Lemon scented lotion. Scent can help bring your anxiety down in stressful moments. Think of a scent you find soothing (lavender, lemon, sage) and buy some scented lotion. Slather it on in those anxious moments and it’ll help ya keep your calm. (Even at the malfunctioning gas pump.)

4.   Buy Epsom salts. Everyone knows to pour a cup of these into bath water, and they’ll help with aching muscles. But if you feel a headache coming on, jump into an Epsom salt bath and it can head off the headache, one study says.

This is a whole lot better than popping 75 Tylenol and becoming the poster child for that crazy article I read earlier today.  

Happy sleeping and pain-free living, guru girls & guys! 

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