Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things Learned Part II

Things Learned On Recent Family Road Trip: Part II

1.     When he’s wearing his metro sunglasses, my fella looks like a celebrity… at least according to one Japanese tourist who took a whole roll of film of my guy. Am betting the pics of Mr. Moab are gonna show up on wetpaint any day now (right next to the sonogram of Kim & Kanye’s baby).

2.    Gas station bathrooms don’t lie. The Dynamic Duo are growing up. Bathrooms are now used simply for their intended purpose. Not yodeling contests.

3.    Photo booth on the i-pad is a very bad app, when you have limited storage and your children have taken eleven hundred pictures of themselves and the dog… many using the “In Style” hairstyle app.

We have 1,100 photos of the girls, the dog and other family members, looking deranged and often sporting hair like Jennifer Aniston’s. This means there’s not enough storage on the device for actual entertainment, like movies or t.v. shows. So the road trip entertainment this trip consisted of the 9 year old deleting thousands of pictures, and me and my fella shouting into the backseat,” Less laughing, more deleting.”

I really hope 2013 is not going to be the year of the road trip for us. There’s not enough personal growth in the world for me to achieve inner peace while on the interstate with this crew.


  1. Note to self - time to upgrade to the ipad with more storage. And also time to schedule Stanley's next foil.

    1. My work is done. You correctly used the term "foil" in a sentence. Good job, TN`1970!
