Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Name That Blog

I’m thinking of renaming the blog. It’s a quandary because I want to pick a good name, one that’s memorable but one that’s also frequently requested in search engines. Based on what just came up on my computer, I may just rename my blog “concussion symptoms”. Because no sooner had I typed in just a few of those letters than the slogan popped up.

I typed this phrase into my computer because I believe I could be suffering from concussion symptoms. It’s freezing, snowy and windy here in Colorado today. You would think I would take this into account when I opened the hatchback of my SUV, a hatchback that frequently falls down, even when not burdened by high winds and a bunch of snow. But no, there I was, arms filled with stuff from the trunk, when the hatchback came crashing down on my head.

My head hurt immediately after it happened, and it hurts even more now that I just surfed my way over to “Web MD”, a site my fella says I should never visit. He’s right. I shouldn’t visit it because every time I do I immediately have all of the symptoms it lists. Yes, I have a headache. I also have a bit of dizziness and fuzzy thinking. But I can’t tell if this is out of the ordinary or just due to the cutting-down-on-caffeine lifestyle I’ve recently adopted.

I ran into my friend, Sevi, at the bookstore immediately after it happened. She evaluated the size of my pupils and then told me not to worry. I only have to stay awake 24 hours. Ha, ha, Sevi. I was going to feel bad for her that she was in the middle of the bookstore, trying to figure out how a Nook works, while shepherding her 3 kids, hopped up on holiday party sugar, but now I don’t feel bad for her at all. Now I’m going to text her at midnight when I’m trying to stay awake due to my head trauma. I’ll be awake and brainstorming new, potential blog names.

These are the options I’ve come up with so far. They’re unlikely to get better as I get more tired and impaired as the day wears on. So help Sevi out. Give me some feedback on the options below so that just maybe I won’t text Sevi later tonight to wake her ass up, I mean, get her opinion on them.  

. Tipster (this one has a tagline too… hip tips to ace the race of life)
. Lux Likes
. Worth A Splurge
. Get It Done
. Exceeds Expectations
. Codebreaker
. Behind The Curtain
. Time Crunched & Testy
. Herding Cats

 Which one do you like the most? Any other ideas that jump out at you? Let me know in the “comments” section below. You should be able to write them in anonymously. But keep it clean, people. My dad reads this blog… as does my 9 year old, which you might have guessed because really, who else is going to comment “fascinating stuff, Mommy”.


  1. Well I like guru girl but herding cats is cool as well

    1. I like guru girl too and am allergic to change but am kicking idea around. Herding Cats... yep, I like that one too. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. I am so sorry about your concussion. That must have been so scary and traumatic! However, I can't help but worry about that sweet gal you described named Sevi. Trying to learn new technology for her 3 kids, who are high on sugar, in a quiet book store during a blizzard. Not to mention the lack of sleep you have planned for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a puppy in the car peeing all over the back seat while she was observing your beautiful pupils. Anyway, get well soon!

    1. I am laughing only a little bit about the puppy in the back seat, and this is only because my friend Sevi is a role model with both technology (she actually e-mails out photos before a year's elapsed) and kid management (I had only one kid at the store and it was driving me nuts!)If anyone can handle a peeing puppy, it's her;)

  3. I love you like crazy. Xx
