Monday, October 1, 2012

One Campaign Promise

The presidential debate is happening here in Denver in a few days. Traffic is already a mess, as I realized when we sat in it, waiting to get to school this morning. Instead of swearing under my breath as I watched the minutes tick by, I glass-half-fulled it and made the experience into a teachable moment about elections and debates. (Go, guru girl! I have to tell you all when I do this because it happens so very rarely.)
So I was explaining to the Dynamic Duo what an election is and how debates work. I told them it’s like at our house where I’m indisputably the president. What if you guys wanted to be president of our house, I asked them. What rules would you change? In a debate, what would you say you’d do?
The 10 year old says she’d offer zucchini bread for breakfast. Every day. I pointed out the transportation dilemma she’d face in getting to the store to get the zucchini bread. Because the job of president is not all motorcades and yummy pastries. There’s the slogging through sucky traffic and grocery shopping part of it too. The 10 year old said it would be no problem. She would hire her grandpa to go to Whole Foods for her. And she would pay him in hugs.  Next month I’m voting for the 10 year old for house president. My term limit’s up.
Check out this great political swag. Available for either party, at

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