Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 Simple Habits For A Better You

This must be the week for laughable advice from the experts because it’s all over the place. Honest-to-God experts, industry professionals (not just shingle hangin’ bloggers like guru girl) are going on the record with advice that is ridiculous in its simplicity. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not true, so here goes…

1.     For a decorating transformation, design guru Nate Berkus (he of the dazzling dimples and great hair) says, “Clean your house.” That’s it. Dig in with just a little bit of elbow grease to make your digs shine. After all, it doesn’t matter how fabulous the design elements if you can’t see them beneath a pile of “Us Weekly”, soccer gear and mail. Not that I’d know this from personal experience.

2.    And this just in from dozens of health experts… get enough sleep. 7 hours a night, at a minimum. Or you gain weight. We’re talking eat-a-Snickers-bar-every-night kind of weight gain. This is caused by the complicated relationship between sleep and hunger-inducing vs. hunger-suppressing hormones.

We're getting dangerously close to science talk here so let me put it another way: Is staying up to watch “The Voice” worth it? No. Staying up to watch “The Voice” isn’t worth it, even if the action isn’t directly related to a negative like weight gain.

Christina Aguilera is awful. Adam Levine isn’t much better, and Blake Shelton judges contestants not on their voices but their bra size. In sum, go to bed early. So you can get up early, to clean your house. Life won’t be as fun as usual, but maybe you’ll be too skinny and neat to notice.


  1. Did you mean "what is nate?" Clearly, the answer is adorable. Also, he's a design guy who Oprah catapulted to fame. Love him, but maybe not always his advice!
