Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why 40 Rocks

Have you ever mistakenly taken someone else’s cart at the grocery store? Forgotten to hit the ATM for cash so resorted to ransacking your 9 year old’s piggy bank? How about referred to your 9 year old as a 10 year old, in posts, for an entire week?

This is how long I’ve been 40 years old, and all of these things are what I’ve been up to. I have to say, for me, 40 is not looking so good. Here’s what is looking good about being 40:

1.     This rocking mix my fella made me. It has 40 songs on it, one for each year I’ve been alive. He assigned different years to different friends so when a song comes on, I get to guess which friend picked it.

I’m still a little mad about the rationale our friend Mike used when picking his assigned songs for my mix. This is what he told his wife and I quote, “Remember, you’re picking songs guru girl will like. Not necessarily good songs.”

So yes, Mike, every time Paula Abdul comes on the mix, I’m pretty sure it was your pick. And so maybe I like the songs but, in protest, I don’t sing along. Probably.  

On the other hand Mike’s wife knocked it out of the park with her selections, as did another friend, who chose John Denver and Christopher Cross. Does 70s music get any better? Don’t answer that, Mike.

Anne, a friend from high school, says she’s found turning 40 to be liberating. I do too. But not in the traditional sense. 40 seems to have liberated me from what little good sense I previously possessed. So if you happen to run into me in person at the grocery store, guard your cart. That’s what our 9 year old is doing with her piggy bank, at least until her mother calms down with the erratic behavior and starts acting like a person with a clue again.
The only other good thing about turning 40 was visiting Bachelor Ben's tasting room and getting my fella to act out key romantic moments from Bachelor Ben's season.

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