Monday, October 8, 2012

Soundtrack Of The Day: Pitch Perfect

I was raised by a woman obsessed with movie soundtracks. She owns all of them, even the ones for movies she hasn’t seen. I blame her for the fact that last year I came this close to buying the soundtrack for “Country Strong”. But I put it back on the shelf because my musical taste is not quite as bad as our friend Mike believes. However, this weekend I found a movie soundtrack that more people than just myself and my mother are going to buy… the one from “Pitch Perfect”.

My fella and I saw the flick on Saturday. Yes, we were the only patrons over 16 in the audience. Yes, it was totally worth it. I smiled my way through most of the movie. That’s how hard I was rooting for the underdog characters. From my cushy, stadium seat I was willing them to succeed in the dog-eat-dog world of undergraduate acappella. Because that’s what the movie’s about -- a bunch of freshmen in college who join different vocal groups at their school. Then they battle it out for acappella dominance. Throw in a love story, some “who am I?” soul searching and good-natured hijinks, and we have ourselves a movie, a sweetly ironic movie with an even better soundtrack!

I’m a total sucker for the song mash ups “Glee” does every week. This movie’s mash ups make Glee’s look like child’s play. They are simply that good, and they’re accompanied by dance numbers that are even better. I’m getting the soundtrack this week, and can almost not wait to sit in some traffic. Because car dancing’s best done at red lights, not high speeds, and I guarantee Pitch Perfect’s gonna make me want to do both.*
 * Though never when I am driving the soccer carpool, which is when I listen to only dirge-like songs that eradicate any car-dancing urge. 

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