Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweet Smell Of Vacation: Bliss Body Butter

Packing a suitcase presents many a quandry... if you're me and a bit organizationally impaired. If you're my friend Dianne, whose an architect (thus, spatially aware) and a gadget girl, it's no problem.

She actually owns an inflatable wine sleeve designed to be packed in one's suitcase. I know this because I once went on a spa vacation with Dianne, and she smuggled in a bottle of wine in her suitcase with no problem.

If I were to do this, the wine would undoubtedly break and the entire contents of my bag would be soaked with Chardonnay. Then, no one would want to Zumba next to me at the spa, and I'd be stuck meditating in a canyon solo the whole time. This would be a drag because I hate meditating and desert canyons, which tend to host lots of creepy, crawly, desert bugs.

Packing liquid items is tricky. So I've always shied away from loading my bag up with any perfume. And yet, there you are on vacation, out for a nice dinner, smelling of... Jergen's?
It's just not right, which is Dianne's view on the spa's no alcohol policy.

Enter, stage right, Bliss body butter in the lemon & sage variety. Lotion up with this stuff, and it does the trick. You smell fresh and springy, like a favorite perfume. Only the scent comes without the shattering-in-the-luggage risk.

The Bliss lotion is pricey, but worth it. And if you only use it on vacation, your brain soon associates the lemon & sage scent with vacation.

So the next time you're having a rough day -- say the TIVO accidentally tapes "American Ninja Warrior" instead of "Bachelor Pad" -- slap some of this stuff on, and you're transported to vacation mindset, minus any annoyance with fellow travelers, by whom I mean members of your
hotel-room-sharin' family.

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