Thursday, July 26, 2012

Crocs & Clubbing

Crocs are to shoes as Tom Hanks is to the Everyman. Like Tom Hanks is the “go to” guy for many a character (island survivor, stricken lawyer, mermaid-finding Casanova), Crocs are the “go to” shoe in many a situation. Gardening, errand running, traveling, even clubbing if you’re my incredibly confident friend Kristin, who also stands 6 feet tall and looks like a supermodel, which perhaps explains her laid back choice in footwear.

To be honest, Kristin didn’t know we were going clubbing last night, as our group was meeting for book club. We ended up at a restaurant that mysteriously turned, like Cinderella at the stroke of nightfall, into the most thumping and bumping club in town. Who knew? Certainly not us. We are all married gals who believe thumping and bumping sounds at night indicate our youngest child has fallen out of bed.

When not eavesdropping on the lines being dropped and oogling to figure out if there were any -- as the magazines like to call them -- “sex workers” in the crowd, we bemoaned our own wardrobe choices for the evening, which were very un-sex worker like.

My friend Becky wore a very sensible skirt, and I sported tasteful linen pants. But the one who truly took the cake was our friend Kristin who cried,” I thought I was dressed okay. I wore my fancy Crocs.”

We made Kristin do “show & tell” with her shoes. She was, indeed, sporting Crocs. They were, indeed, fancy. And if Kristin hadn’t revealed they were actually good, old, plastic Crocs we would’ve had no idea. That’s how good they looked.

So the next time you have to go someplace and you need to be comfortable, put down the athletic shoes. Pick up the Croc ballet flat. It’s as comfortable as an Air Jordan and almost as cute as a Tory Burch flat, but without the blingy logo and price tag.  

Then channel Kristin, go to the most happening spot in town and own those plastic shoes, girl. (Available on for around $25; also in leopard-print. Wowza!)

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