Monday, July 16, 2012

How We Roll...

Actual conversation on family road trip, passing through Wyoming and some of that fine state’s recently fertilized fields.

 9 year old: What is that smell?

Me: Smells like money.

6 year old: No, it smells like poop.

Note to self: must teach 6 year old concept of sarcasm and economic model upon which ranch profitability is based. As my business knowledge tops out with only the haziest understanding of John Smith’s invisible hand, this latter part could be tricky.

 Wish I hadn’t made that snarky comment about bankers a few posts ago. Am fairly sure my banker friends would come in handy right about now.


  1. That's some funny stuff right there.

  2. Road trips are never dull with those 2!

  3. Your favorite fella should remember that we were told growing up that the smell was "fresh air".....or as we put it now here in Indiana....smell that "dairy air" with the audible pun fully intended.

  4. This is actually a saying if you're a rancher. I'm not a rancher but it's such a great saying, I'm totally co-opting it!
