Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lance Armstrong & Think Thin Bars

Every athlete needs a weapon in their arsenal. For Lance Armstrong, it’s a pinch of that HGH that allows his superhuman performance on the racetrack. Editor’s note: Allegedly. For us modern gals, seeking to excel on the racetrack of life, ‘roids might not be the answer. Soccer moms and ‘roid rage? Not a good combo.

What is a good combination? Soccer moms and “Think Thin” protein bars. These bad boys are my secret weapon. I stash them all over the place -- my purse, my car, my briefcase -- so when hunger hits, I’m ready.
They’re a lot of calories -- 240 per bar -- but a lot of protein too (20g), so they fill you up. And the peanut butter kind is downright delicious. The nutty flavor masks all the healthy stuff that makes a protein bar’s taste nosedive… which results in the bar itself taking a nosedive… to the bottom of my purse…. where it mixes -- for weeks -- with other purse castaways (pennies, lotion, jelly beans, spilled lip gloss) to become the kind of science experiment that thrills our 9 year old.

Purse as science experiment. Almost as bad an idea as moms on the juice. So save yourself the ordeal (of the purse experiment, not the HGH ingestion, which I also wouldn’t recommend), and buy the protein bar that’s actually good for you and good-tasting.

You’ll power through your day just like Lance, only without the illegal substance abuse and caddish treatment of romantic partners. Allegedly.  (Available on amazon.com; around $15 for a box of 10. Also available at your local Whole Foods for around the same price.)

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