Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The $8 Product That Will Change Your Kitchen Forever

About some cleanliness issues my standards are like Kristen Stewart’s about monogamy: surprisingly laid back. I don’t care if the Dynamic Duo bathe every night. Every other night is fine. Which is maybe how K-Stew approaches her favorite fella issue. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it’s Rob Pattinson. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, it’s her “Snow White & The Huntsman” director. On Sundays, she rests and exfoliates.

Don’t even ask me about our dog. He gets bathed only as frequently as Rob Pattinson appears to, which is to say, not often… which is perhaps the reason K-Stew went on the hunt for her “Huntsman” director in the first place.

Kitchen cleanliness is an entirely different matter. There are no shortcuts and no handsome substitutes. A clean, uncluttered kitchen leads to a clean, uncluttered mind. I am still working on the latter, but I have the clean-kitchen part down, thanks in large part to my new, favorite product, Caldrea Countertop Cleaner.

I spritz every counter in my house with Caldrea. It’s a two-fer: it cleans the counters and makes your house smell like a spa -- a fresh, crisp, citrus-y spa where visitors float around drinking lemon water and nibbling oranges.

This is a far cry from Guru Girls’ actual visitors, who swig Gatoraide and down Goldfish like they’re going out of style. But the Caldrea gives the illusion of a tranquil, zenned out heart-of-the-home. Just like Hollywood couples give us the illusion of “happily ever after”.

Despite the hardship of living with people who must be told -- repeatedly -- that garden experiments belong in the garden, not the kitchen table, we must not give into the madness of our surroundings. We must strive to rise above them, which is what the Caldrea spray allows me to do, and the Warner Brother’s public relations team allows K-Stew to do when they issue her fling apology for her.

Watch the cleaners go to work on K-Stew’s image. May they be blessed with the power of my favorite cleaner: Caldrea Countertop (citron ginger variety). They’re going to need it.

Caldrea is available for around $7.25(available on amazon.com) . It's also sold at your local Target store for around the same price.