Monday, August 13, 2012

6 Ways To Tell You're Officially Old

Guru Girl got to attend 2 family weddings this summer, much wisdom gained…

How You Know You’re Old At A Family Wedding:

-       When you remember the groom as a 12 year old at your own wedding, which was just yesterday – if yesterday was, oh, 13 years ago

-       When you don’t know some – okay, most – of the songs the dj’s spinning

-       When your fella is the only one doing the Running Man, not on the dance floor but through the reception hall, chasing your small children

-       When you rocked out more to the satellite radio in the rental car – yeah, 90s station – than you did on the dance floor at the wedding. If the dj had spun Paula Abdul’s “Rush Rush” it might have been a different story

-       When the Bald Booth photo app on the iPhone makes the younger family members giggle hysterically, but it only reminds you of your last high school reunion (BaldBooth app available for 99 cents.)

-       When you opt for sitting around the pool, eating pizza and drinking wine out of Dixie cups as all the little cousins splash around, over dinner at a chi chi restaurant, and it becomes a highlight of the weekend


  1. Hysterical and oh sooo true!

    1. Regardless, I LOVE weddings, even though I'm now the embarrassing-old-fart-relative-who-won't-get-off-the-dance-floor ;)

  2. Don't forget that was BOXED wine in the Dixie cups.

  3. I think it was really bagged wine on ice in a recycling bin! One of my highlights for sure as well!
