Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reincarnation & The Family Dog

Confession: Part of me thinks our dog is the reincarnated version of my husband from a previous life. There’s a religious philosophy, the African Vodun, whose followers believe that in each life we’re surrounded by the same collection of souls. They just have different shells. So your husband from 1750 comes back as your brother in 2010. Your mom in 1602 comes back as your daughter in 1809. (Editor’s note: I’ll bet she’s still just as full of advice.) So I’m not alone in this belief. I have religious theory backing me up. Just not widely believed religious theory.  

This weekend the dog woke up early and started whining and pacing around. My fella actually got up and went downstairs to let the dog out. When he opened the door though, the dog was nowhere to be found. Where was the dog? Snuggling in bed with me. As soon as my guy got out of bed, the dog jumped into bed, whereupon he cuddled with me for the next hour, his bladder “emergency” disappearing as suddenly as it came on. Clearly, my husband from a previous life not only loved me a lot, he was wily. 

So if you’re thinking of getting a dog in the near future, you’ve got to give it some thought. You can’t just go to a random pet store and get the cutest one. It might not be the right soul. Even if you think this reincarnation business is mumbo-jumbo nonsense (as I believe my fella might), it’s still wise to put some thought into where you get this new dog. Tune in tomorrow for two great tips on where to get trained and terrific dogs!
Today’s tip -- Next time you’re tempted to just flush the stupid goldfish, think twice.

                                                  Stanley, my husband -- I mean, dog


  1. If I'm good in this life, I may come back as royalty or a rock star in my next life. If I'm really really good - I'll come back as Guru Girl's dog.

  2. It's true, TN1970! You're on your way.
