Friday, September 21, 2012

An Update & An App: The Oracle Of Bacon

I am deeply concerned about the fate of the world.
It’s not that some tacky French magazine printed pics of Princess Kate’s ta-ta’s.
It’s not the relentless political Robocalls we’re getting each night telling us what a dirtball the other guy is.
It’s not even that my neighborhood now offers traditional architecture, mature trees and our very own groper. For the last month some guy has been parking in alleys, running up to women walking the ‘hood and groping them before leaping back into his Toyota and revving off into the afternoon.

None of these disturbing developments upset me as much as the reaction from my post last week about closet cleaning.

This was a before shot of my closet, indicating poor closet management. Multiple readers – all of them close friends or relatives – thought this was an “after” shot of my clean, organized closet.
No. It was not. It was a shot of a thoroughly disorganized closet, one which I then spent 2 hours organizing for the “after” shot. I mean, one which I spent 2 hours organizing so that my life could be more manageable every morning. Editor’s note: Surely guru girl would not be so shallow as to do something simply for the sake of posting it on her blog.


Below is the shot of my organized, updated closet. Look at how much better that is!

In other updates:

-       The 50 Shades poll is done. The result of this also upset me. I am obviously the only one of you watching teeny-bopper shows on a regular basis. There were some funny write-in candidates -- Wolf Blitzer, Brian Williams, Clint Eastwood, Rachel Maddow. They were submitted, I suspect, by the only MSNBC watchers I know, my dad & my politically astute friend Lisa. There were no clear winners and only one clear loser: the CW network, which apparently counts only one viewer over the age of 20: me.

-       I never did get to a me-ality scanner in Chicago so my fashion choices have stayed pretty much the same. Although let me tell you how my fella’s are gonna change.

You know my friend Tanisha? She wasn’t mad about me not reading the “how to blog” book. She wasn’t mad about my 6 year old tormenting her. She was, however, really mad when, a few posts ago, I recommended Tommy Bahama jeans. This caused a veritable flurry of e-mails from Tanisha, none of them good, many of them in ALL CAPS asking if I had LOST MY MIND.

So yes, my fella likes the Tommy Bahama jeans, but no, he’s not 60. So I’m going to sneak them out of his closet and replace them with a pair of low-slung “7 For All Mankind”. He will not be comfortable, but he will be hip and will probably spend much of October wandering the house, asking, “Have you seen my favorite jeans?”

Have a great weekend, everyone. If you have some extra time, try my favorite, new time waster: (Click this link to get to the site.)

It’s the online version of everyone’s favorite game: “Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon”. What’s Winona Ryder’s bacon number? 2. How about Orlando Bloom? Also 2. Log on to find out how.




  1. My Bacon number is 8. Which seems impossible considering the 6 degrees of separation theory. Perhaps Kevin is avoiding me. Your closet looks great btw.

    1. You do not have a Bacon number, TN1970. You have to be a celebrity to have a Bacon number. Perhaps the new tight jeans are cutting off circulation & making it difficult to think straight?

  2. Did she hide your favorite jeans yet?

    1. I am doing that right now while he's out of the house picking up the girls. Shhhh!!!

  3. Where did Stanley get those AMAZING glasses?? He looks so pleased with your organized closet, as am I!

    1. The glasses were sitting right here on my desk, where they have a place of honor reminding me of my wacky friends! Next time I'm gonna have him wear the sad ones!
