Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Tame-The-Chaos Key Chain

I rarely pay cash for things. I tell myself this is because I am so important and busy that I don’t have time to get any cash at the ATM.

This is, in fact, untrue. The reason I don’t pay cash is because I can’t find the cash in my damn purse, a sad fact driven home to me this weekend. I was at the museum with the Dynamic Duo and (like any good parent) ensured a quality, educational experience by bribing them with the offer of a Rice Krispies treat at the end of our visit.

There I was at the café register, able to find the first 2 dollars in my purse just fine. It was the extra 25 cents that did me in. Yes, I was the lady who unloaded the entire contents of her purse on the counter, in the quest to find a quarter. And, even then, the cashier still had to take pity on me and pick through the “leave a penny, take a penny” jar.

I blame buyer rewards cards. My wallet is bulging with them. Petco. Michael’s. Eddie Bauer. Barnes & Noble. There is no room in my wallet for the very thing for which it’s intended… the benjamins (well actually, their ugly stepsisters: dimes and quarters).

So I took my embarrassed ego home and remedied the issue. I grabbed a hole puncher and zapped a hole in each card, then slid them all on an extra keychain.
Now, the keychain can rattle around in the bottom of my purse instead of all my spare change, which has now been sensibly loaded into my wallet’s change purse.

Begone, future parking tickets! Guru girl now has plenty o’ change for the meter.

Begone, embarrassing purse scrounge in public! Guru girl now knows where her quarters live.

Here’s to small victories!

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