Thursday, January 31, 2013

Boot Storage, Catfishing & More

I was on the fence about the tall boot trend. Like the Manti Te’O catfish scandal, I found all of the hullaballoo a bit confusing. And kind of tacky, especially when teenie boppers wear the boots with knee high socks poking up out of the top. Is this not like wearing Spanx outside one’s dress?

But then I was talking to my 65 year old mother who said she was in the market for some tall boots, and if your AARP-qualifying mother is sporting a trend, certainly you can. So I went to the mall and tracked some down.

I’m a convert. I LOVE my tall boots. And wear them pretty much every chance I get… which included a day with some unseasonably snowy weather earlier this week. At the end of the day, there sat my pride & joy boots, soaked and sad looking.

I know there’s special boot storage gear one can buy. This gear stores your boots upright and is supposed to prolong their life. What this gear does not prolong is the health of your wallet because it costs a fortune. And who wants to spend a fortune on gear that no one even sees?

The good news is that you don’t have to. One of the blogs I follow is called Last year Ms. Copycat Chic had a terrific recommendation for effective & inexpensive boot storage. She rolls a magazine up so that it looks like a paper towel roll, and she jams this in her boot. It causes the boots to stand up and not slump over. Genius!

The better news is that if you use an old magazine this storage strategy costs nothing… which means you can go out and spend the money you saved on something else… like more recent magazines that will explain the Manti Te’O scandal in further detail, which will keep you as current and on trend as your boots suggest.

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