Monday, November 12, 2012

Worst. Movie. Recommendations. Ever.

Today we’re tackling the thorny topic of movie recommendations. I’m moved to do so because recently my friend Teresa, source of many a good “guru girl” topic, recommended the flick “Magic Mike”. Which meant that of course this was my pick Saturday night.

Wow. I can’t say Teresa didn’t warn me about the, ahem, male frontal action going on in this movie. But she didn’t warn me that the movie is bad. Really, really bad. Like “I’ll totally handle the bedtime curtain calls from the Dynamic Duo” bad. Heck, I’ll pop the microwave popcorn too. Anything to get away from the screen. It was that boring.

Also, it featured Tatum Channing, who appears to be a bit of a meathead, and this role (featuring Tatum as a male stripper with a heart of gold) did nothing to change my mind.

I’m no stranger to bad movie recommendations. I’ve made quite a few myself. I recommended “27 Dresses”, that movie about the girl who’s always a bridesmaid and never a bride, to our friend Dan.  

Dan refuses to let me live it down. It wasn’t that bad, and it had the most natural, organic, musical montage sequence I’ve ever seen. (And I’ve seen a lot of ‘em because I love a good musical montage. You know, the part where the heroine tries on lots of clothes and/or frolics around looking particularly carefree and cute while lilting music swells?) Dan was a bachelor at the time, and, I think, bitter, which is why he didn’t appreciate the movie.

But he brings it up all the time to try to distract from his own poor recommendation, which was “Zack & Miri Make A Porno”, the movie starring Seth Rogen. Who recommends that kind of movie to a girl?

I’ll tell you who. Dan’s buddy, who is also my husband, recently went rogue with a new-ish friend of ours, one whose movie taste we have no idea about. My fella told her she would just love “The Change Up”, the movie where Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds switch bodies. Do you know how many dirty (we’re talking filthy) scenes are featured in “The Change Up”?

A lot. And we carpool to school with this friend’s kids. Or we used to. Who could blame our friend for banning her children from ever sharing a ride with a guy with an appreciation for such foul humor? She hasn’t done this yet, but I think it may be only a matter of time.

What bad movie recommendations have you received? Which ones have you made? This could be a public health issue. We may have to come up with a public service announcement. Our friend Dan could star in them. He looks just like Christopher Meloni, the guy from “Law & Order”. It’s good that Dan’s hot, because his movie recommendations are decidedly not.


  1. I get to pick our next movie Guru Girl. How 'bout “Anaconda“ with J-Lo and Cube?

    1. I can't even believe you get to pick the next month of movies, TN1970. Be very careful about the Anaconda pick. You don't want me terrified of mice AND snakes.

  2. I can't keep quiet on this one. 27 Dresses WAS definitely the worst, have to side with Dan. And the Change-Up...hilarious! Sorry Guru-girl, I hate to do this, but I have to side with the boyz on these. And while were at it, Bring It On was pretty bad too! ;) But I still turn to you for chick-flick reviews, because you are the guru-girl, so I am going to take your advice & skip 'Magic Mike'.

    1. This is like a shot through the heart. 27 Dresses was absolutely a good movie, and now the boys are going to use your testimony against me. Every single time we go to the movies. Thanks, thanks a lot, you traitor ;)
