Friday, September 13, 2013

3 Trends For A Healthier You*

3 Trends For A Healthier You * (*and environment)
Why is it that all my East Coast friends are early trend adopters? Is it because they live on the East Coast where trendiness pervades the very air? I don’t think so.

I lived on the East Coast for 12 years and was just as behind-the-times then as I am now. So even if I still lived there I don’t think I’d be like our friend Craig who is a trend oracle for the guru crew. Here are some of Craig’s latest recommendations. I shall call it:

Craig Says…

1)     Our next ride should be an electric Volt car.

2)   The desk we’re looking to buy should be one of those standing numbers.

Craig told my fella about his desk recommendation last week and then yesterday on -- my source of all things newsworthy --  there was a whole article devoted to the health benefits of the standing desk.

Because sitting at your desk all day long is a health no-no. Sedentary lifestyles encourage obesity and all kinds of other scientific and bad-sounding conditions.

MSN says it’s even better to get a desk that hovers over a treadmill. This way you’re walking as you do your desk job work. This seems extreme to me. Both extremely tiring and extremely embarrassing as I am not such a great multitasker when I get really into something.

I once became so engrossed in the show on the t.v. at the gym that I failed to pay attention to how fast I was going and ran straight into my treadmill’s front screen. This was embarrassing, painful and bad for my health because I was so mortified that I didn’t go back to the gym for several weeks.  

But you could offset this negative effect by adopting Craig’s last trend recommendation…

3)   Don’t eat carbs until after 6 p.m. This way you’re not eliminating them from your diet completely, thus triggering the kind of unstoppable carb urge that results in one inhaling an entire cheesecake.

This diet plan seems much more reasonable than other recent trends like that Paleo diet everyone was on last year. The one that had us eating like cavemen and acting like them too, so angry were we that we couldn’t eat any dairy, sugar, grains or processed oils.

The trend oracle has spoken. May it be so.




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