Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Candidly Nicole": The Answer To Summer Entertainment Doldrums

Turns out I’m no Nostradamus. I’ve been predicting all along that Princess Kate was going to have a girl. Because I got the wive’s tale mixed up. When a gal’s face chunks up, that’s when she’s having a girl. When a gal’s face stays totally the same, that’s when she’s having a boy.

I’m going to pay dearly for that mental mix up as I placed two bets on the gender. Am pretty sure my friend Benjie will be gracious about her victory, but my fella? He is being completely obnoxious. Grrr…

Clearly, my pop culture radar is off these days, and summer television isn’t helping any. There is nothing new on, and the reruns are killing me. Where’s a gal to go for a little distraction from all the bets she’s lost? 

AOL is the answer. Remember AOL from your first e-mail account in the 90s? Well, it’s making a comeback these days. Dial it up, and marvel that you don’t have to listen to the high pitched connecting sound from days of old.  

This is new and improved AOL, and here’s why you’re visiting it: new and improved Nicole Richie and her show “Candidly Nicole”, which AOL is broadcasting via webisode.

You might remember Richie from her turn on a reality show with Paris Hilton a few years ago. On that show, Richie was almost as obnoxious as my fella has been about his winning bet this week.  

But new and improved Nicole Richie is funny and fast on her feet as she goes about her life and interviews various experts. The “Candidly Nicole” webisodes are Richie’s reality show.

Each revolves around a mission Richie’s on in her personal life. One show focuses on tattoo removal. (Richie’s wild child past means she has lots of tatoos. But her “mother of two” present means she wants them removed.)

Another show focuses on flowers. Richie is the wife of a rock star, and apparently wants to know how to make great floral centerpieces for the many rock star bashes she hosts. So she visits a florist to find out.

I’m not so interested in tattoo removal or floral design myself, but the show is engaging because of the snappy exchanges between Richie and her favorite florist and tattoo removal guy. “Candidly Nicole” seems to be an unfiltered look at privileged, Los Angeles life.

It’s like “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” but with an in-the-know captain at the helm. Plus, it features not one cutesy voice, vacant stare or hair-smoothing move, all of which are mainstays on the Kardashian show, all of which annoy me to no end.

The final thumbs up for this show is that episodes clock in at a few minutes, and they feature no commercial breaks. The next time television reruns bore you to tears, reach for AOL and give “Candidly Nicole” a try.

Happy webisode viewing, guru girls & guys! (Click this link to go to "Candidly Nicole" on AOL.)

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