Yoga 101: How To Move Your Body*, When You've Moved Your Stuff Badly & Need Some Peace
I misplaced the computer. And the toothbrushes of the Dynamic Duo. So for a day they brushed their teeth with their fingers.
Clearly, the move is going awesome. And I'm not in need of anything. Except for a computer, some toothbrushes and a whole lot of inner peace. This state is what's finally driven me to take a yoga class. Because my friend Ashley, who teaches yoga, says that's the ticket to serenity. And if I can't have great dental hygiene, at least I can have great inner calm about it.
Read on for Ashley's words of wisdom about yoga. I am signing up for a class later today!
Yoga Wisdom: Or Here's What Ashley Says...
"Here's what I think. Yoga is not just a trendy new exercise. It's a thousands-year-old system for reaching enlightenment. The physical aspect (asana) is just one of the 8 limbs of the path of yoga (this is just one website that explains it, not a particularly good one, really, just the first one I clicked on):
That said, most people start with asana because it's easiest - your physical body is right there, and you can see and feel it. Working on straightening your spine in a forward fold is more straightforward than "cultivating inner perceptual awareness", for example. But the crazy thing is, if you do asana every day, and you do it mindfully and with awareness of your breath (because otherwise it's just exercise), the other stuff starts to happen. You find yourself being kinder and more patient (because you are living in the moment, not thinking there's something better you could be doing than standing in line at the grocery store), you find that you eat healthier food (because you start to notice how your body feels when you eat junk), etc., etc.
So here's what I'd recommend for a start. I think you should do yoga every day, but at a minimum 4x a week. Even if it's just 5 minutes. Consistency is more important than endurance. Yoga is a practice, not a theory, so you have to do it. It's better to do it at the same time of day, and you can do the same set of exercises every time. I usually do about 5 minutes of breathing exercises, and then a few sun salutations every morning. Takes maybe 15 minutes. Then I chant (maybe 10 minutes) and meditate (maybe 15 minutes) before bed. And I try to go to class a few times a week.
In my personal experience, it's much easier to do yoga with other people. There's just a nice energy that it's hard to get on your own. Plus if you are a beginner it's good to have a teacher to make sure you are doing things safely. Then I think it's fine to move to a video or maybe better, podcast. I can't imagine really being able to do "yoga" (concentrating on breath, body, etc. while watching a DVD, you know?) Most yoga studios have what the call "community classes" where their teacher trainees teach, and the class is free, or a $5 donation. It's a good way to try out different studios and teachers for cheap.
Some of my favorite yoga books:
Not for complete beginners, but offers some theory and a guide to seeing up a serious home practice:
A great restorative yoga book, easy to follow routines for home, office, etc. Would be great for before bed:
Kundalini is its own crazy type of yoga. This book is a nice introduction and has great "kriyas" (little yoga routines) you can do at home:
Not an "asana" book, but an accessible, easy to read overview of the theory:
A meditation book that is quick and no-nonsense and teaches you to meditate in your real life, not on a cushion in some Zen monastery:
Really nice mindfulness exercises to work into your everyday life:
Also, there are a lot of mindfulness apps for your phone. I have one called The Mindfulness App. It has some guided meditations, and silent meditations that it can remind you to do at certain times or certain locations. And an app for your computer that combines mindfulness with some of the best spiritual teachers around today is "
Thanks, Ashley, for the yoga primer! Now if you could just send some kid toothbrushes my way ;)