I’m back in fearing-for-humanity mode. I blame
Miley Cirus’ performance at the Video Music Awards (VMAs). Her lewd dance moves
seem to be monopolizing our national discourse.
days we’ve also got a little chemical warfare going on over in Syria, but let’s
talk about how it’s the VMA performance that signals the end of humanity as we
know it.
in-the-know about Syria because I’ve been researching, researching for the
answers to a question I posed here on the blog a few months ago:
What is the absolute bare minimum I can do to reap reasonable
benefits in the following important categories?
Read on for the answers, from assorted experts.
– According to my personal trainer,
whom I see once a year to revamp my strength training routine, you must:
Do cardio for 30 minutes 5 days a week
Do strength training for 30-45 minutes 2 days
a week.
Yoga – According
to my yogini friend Ashley, if you want reasonable peace of mind, you must:
asana yoga 4 times a week, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.
maximum yoga benefits you should do yoga 15 minutes in the morning and 25
minutes before bed. And maybe hit a class or two weekly.
Did I
mention Ashley is one of my overachiever friends? Am pretty sure “bare minimum”
is not in her vocabulary, just like “kudalini yoga” was not in my vocabulary,
until I asked Ashley for some tips.
says classes are the best approach for beginners. Most yoga studios offer some
inexpensive or free community classes so call to check. I have so much more
yoga information to share that I’m gonna have to do a follow-up post on it.
Look for that next week! In the meantime, asana away for 5 minutes a day.
– According to Julie, my favorite dental professional, you must:
twice a day. Weird, after-lunch-brushing sessions are not required, but here’s
what is:
flossing. Yes, daily. You must remove the plaque or else it can migrate into
your bloodstream, which can somehow lead to heart disease.
I think this is what Julie said. Whenever
professionals talk science to me, I zone out a little bit. But I took away Julie’s big picture message, which is: Not flossing can lead to total
body meltdown later in life or else very expensive dental surgery, neither of
which sounds very appealing.
Diet – A
recent study says diets don’t work. Any diet. Ever.
If you
want to stay at a reasonable weight you have to commit to a healthy diet. All
the time. So quit your juice cleanse. Stop abandoning carbs, and embrace
healthy eating. All the time.
You can
have occasional cheats, but they have to be occasional.
Don’t forsake any of the food groups. Eat them, but mindfully, in moderation.
And also never drink your calories. This is one bit of Weight Watchers wisdom
that will forever be tattooed on my brain.
Events -- If you want to have a reasonable clue about the world, you must:
to NPR radio several times a week.
one Sunday morning, political talk show.
A 2012 study from Fairleigh Dickinson
University showed that folks who did these things were the best informed about
world events.
I tell my college students to watch
BBC News as well. It is supposed to feature the most neutral reportage around.
And also the best accents!
It just took me maximum time to type
up this list of bare minimum requirements. Make it worth my while and adopt one
of these new habits today!